Wednesday, August 26, 2015

★•* Cover Reveal: LEGACY*•★

By Michelle Lowe

Indigo Peachtree has spent his life making toys for children. 

The kindly old toymaker has carried a secret with him that he wants to keep hidden. Yet as with most secrets they tend to come up to the surface. 

Tarquin Norwich has learned of a journal containing everything Indigo desperately wants to protect. When Indigo goes underground, Tarquin seeks help from a witch. The witch--Mother of Craft--tells him that to find Indigo, and his journal, he will need two outlaw brothers. 

Tarquin sends his children, Archie and Clover, across the English Channel to snare Pierce Landcross, the first of the two outlaws, while Tarquin and his eldest son, Ivor, capture Pierce’s estranged brother, Joaquin. All in an effort to find the missing toymaker.

As Pierce is being pulled back to England, his desperate situation turns around when he’s saved by a crew of Apache privateers known as the Sea Warriors. And instead of fleeing with his seabound mates, Pierce decides to return to England to try to save his old friend, Indigo. 

Going back means Pierce will encounter old well as face a past he’d much rather leave behind.

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Monday, June 30, 2014

Blindfold Fantasy 

by D.L. Roan

Release Date: June 17, 2014
Genre: Erotic Romance ~ Menage

~ Back of The Book ~

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Meet The Author

After years of schlepping for the corporate world in an endless rotation of tasteless cube farms and cold coffee, DL Roan decided to give a little attention to the sexy voices inside her head and begin anew. Whether it's menage, action-adventure, passion-filled suspense, sexy cowboys, assassins or angels, DL's novels are sure to keep you on the edge of the page reading long into the night.
She loves to hear from her fans so stop by one of her many hangouts listed below and say hi.

Other Books by D.L. Roan


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Blog Tour ~ Ready For You by D. Love and Madison Daniel


Author Penny Lane decides to team up with fellow author Kain Brooks because she believes the collaboration will bring something refreshing and new to her humdrum life. It is at first, but what she doesn't count on is developing feelings for a man that's hundreds of miles away while continuing to struggle with the death of her fiancĂ©, Zack. 

The newly divorced Kain is excited about the partnership and happily realizes that it may lead to much more than just a book. 
However, there is a threat! A stalker's evil intentions are far more serious than either of them can ever imagine-- so serious that they may not make it long enough to discover if their feelings are genuine or just a long-distanced crush.

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For a split second I see her before me, with me. Wrapped in the steam from the shower, and nothing else. With her hair slicked back from the water, trailing down her freckled shoulders, she whispers, “It’ll be okay.”
“Penny…” I say, reaching out for her, but finding only the hot water from the shower. Her silhouette is now gone, and I desperately want to see her again. Quickly, I towel myself off and throw on my favorite T-shirt and worn jeans. I run into the living room and open my laptop with a snap. While holding my breath, I click on the Skype icon, followed by the call button. Penny’s name flashes on the screen as I wait for her to answer.
“Please be home…” I whisper. Four rings later, my screen pops with the welcoming beep of a connecting call. A stranger’s face fills my screen.
“Well, isn't this a surprise!” The woman laughs.
“Umm…” I stumble over my words. Where is Penny? Who is this?
“If it isn’t the generous and talented Kain Brooks,” she teases. She winks at me, twirling a fork in her left hand. I am lost.
“Tina! What are you doing?” Penny squeals, sliding into view on my screen.
“Penny,” I say, a little too excited. She steals a quick and embarrassed glance my way before focusing on Tina again.
“Tina, I can handle this, thank you,” Penny snaps, playfully. Tina scrunches her nose, blushing too.
“Look, Penny…it’s Kain. And he’s got his shirt on this time!” Tina smiles. Penny gasps.
“Tina!” Penny calls out, pushing Tina off screen. “I can’t believe you said that.”
“He’s cute,” Tina says from outside my view. All I can see is Penny’s growing embarrassment. I find her flushed cheeks flattering, and a bit sexy.
“Sorry, Kain…” Penny says, finding my stare again. “That’s Tina, my best friend…umm…but you know that…” She is completely flustered now.

“Yeah, I remember you mentioning her once or twice,” I tease, softly. She pauses for a moment, collecting her thoughts. I wait for her to say something, enjoying the view on my computer screen.


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About the Authors:

 D. Love
Derinda lives in Maine. Her biggest passion is for her family and friends. She adores loving others as if it is the biggest gift life can offer. She is a read-a-holic, loves chocolate, cowboys and everyone on her Young Adult & Teen Readers Facebook page. Her dream is to travel to Australia one day.
"I am nothing but simple. I do a lot of volunteer work. I have 2 beautiful daughters. 4 grandchildren, that constantly ask me if I lived in the black & white days.
My inspiration would be my daughters. Rita for her strength to keep fighting and constantly try to take care of me. Even though sometimes she can't get out of the bed. Kayla, for helping pick up
all the pieces that seem to fall, when times get rough. And the love they have for me."
Madison Daniel

Music is LIFE and the written word is our SOUL. Music and writing have been my true ambition since I was a child. I have used music in every form possible; writing it, performing it, healing with it, etc. I call it my "life's soundtrack." I have always written in some form; from comic books to screenplays to short stories and now the new series "Ember." I have found a true passion for my stories and characters and am eager to share them with the world. See you on the next book tour...

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Hosted by: One More Chapter

Monday, April 14, 2014

Blog Tour ~ Separation Anxiety by Lisa Suzanne

Separation Anxiety
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Separation. We all get one true love in our lives, and it’s up to us to find it. Fate will act and try to push us together, but ultimately it’s up to us to recognize who that one person is when he’s standing in front of us.

It turns out that I recognized who my one person was when I was separated from my husband. 

Anxiety. On the same day I determined that I was finally going to file for divorce, I confessed my secret to Jesse Drake, my swoon-worthy colleague known for his womanizing ways. Jesse invited me to crash with him, and with each new piece of the enigmatic Jesse puzzle that I started to fit into place, I found myself wondering if Fate had pushed us together for a reason.

If only my husband would stop getting in the way of the man with whom I was meant to be.

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I felt his presence behind me as he stood over my shoulder and watched me pound out the chicken.

“Not so hard,” he instructed.

I let up my pounding, hitting the side of the chicken.

“No,” he said, and I felt him move in closer behind me. “Like this.” He placed his hand over mine, lifted our joined hands, and hit firmly in the center of the chicken breast.

But, honestly, I had no idea that we’d just hit raw chicken with a kitchen mallet. All I could feel was the heat from his body standing behind my own and the sizzle from his hand over mine. I felt my body automatically lean back into him for more contact as he brought our joined hands up and back down again.

“Got it?” he breathed into my ear, his breath on my skin sending a tremor down my spine as I realized that his front completely ran the length of my back. I shivered and goose bumps broke out across my skin at his proximity. I felt the sinewy hardness of his muscles, and I was certain that I felt another hardness pressing lower against the base of my spine.

Was he as turned on as I was? Was it possible that the little flirtations that I kept brushing off were sincere?

Was it possible that someone like Jesse Drake was interested in me?

I doubted it, but it didn’t stop me from dreaming.

“Uh,” I stuttered. “Yeah. Got it,” I said, and he broke that sexy moment between us as he backed away, running both of his hands through his hair.

Lisa Suzanne

Lisa Suzanne is a high school English teacher who lives at home in Arizona with her amazing husband and adorable yellow lab. She loves summer more than her students do. She has loved to write for as long as she can remember. 

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Blitz Tour Organized by: HEA Book Tours, PR & More

Monday, April 7, 2014

Author Spotlight ~ Hilary Wynne

Hilary Wynne

Have you ever woken up one day and said, “Today’s the day I’m going to do (insert thing here)?” Well, I did, and the result is my first novel, Stay. I always thought of myself as a decent writer, and then a trip down memory lane through my ninth grade book of poetry confirmed it. I realize that I have always had a romantic side and a way with words. With support from my husband and kids (and an unspoken agreement to leave me alone for a few hours every night), I embarked on this incredible writing journey.

I’m originally from sunny Southern California and spent my summers in South Florida. I attended college at FSU and received my Masters in New Mexico. I finally settled in the Washington, DC area. My happy place has always been anywhere near the water.

When I’m not writing, I help run a business with my husband, watch an inordinate amount of sports (my kids play something 365 days a year), indulge my competitive spirit on the tennis court, and spend time with my awesome family and friends.

I am an avid reader, but find my characters feel neglected when I hang out with other author’s characters for too long. When I do read, historical fiction is my favorite genre. I love traveling and experiencing different cultures, places, and times.

I feel so blessed that my love of books inspired me to finally do something that I forgot I had always dreamed about doing.

My someday has arrived!

Contemporary Romance by Hilary Wynne


Set against the steamy and sultry world of South Beach, Florida, a modern romance unfolds in Stay.

Alexa is beautiful, independent and hard to resist for serially unattached Julian. Neither one is looking for a relationship, but their palpable  chemistry and instant emotional connection is too strong to ignore. For the first time in years, Julian is interested in more than just sex. He wants a relationship with intoxicating Alexa, but it's not that simple.

Not only are Julian and Alexa struggling with the intensity of this new relationship, but they also have to contend with Luke, Alexa's best friend, whose own love for her leaves him willing to do anything to convince her that Julian is not the man for her. Luke's determination and Alexa's secret past threaten to tear Julian and Alexa apart as she struggles to open her heart to love.

Julian and Alexa embark upon a roller-coaster ride of emotional and physical passion that both pulls them apart and holds them together. Despite their affinity for each other, Alexa fears that Julian will leave when he learns about her past and Julian is unsure he can love a woman who in so many ways remains a mystery, a woman who keeps threatening to run, a woman who can't decide if she is going to STAY.

Coming Soon ~*~   Cover Reveal   ~*~ Coming Soon

Hold On

The sizzling second installment in the acclaimed Alexa Reed series.

Beautiful and successful Alexa Reed has dark secrets in her past that prevent her from trusting in love. Her fears start to fade when she meets charismatic, South Beach hotel owner, Julian Bauer, who is willing to put his extravagant playboy lifestyle behind him just to be with her.

He’s a man who likes a challenge.

Alexa’s newfound bliss is still fragile as she struggles to deal with the trauma of her ex-boyfriend’s death. Is Julian's love for Alexa strong enough to heal her emotional scars and convince her their love is real?

Alexa is not the only one with secrets and what’s to come threatens to destroy their future together. Now it’s Julian who needs Alexa more than ever. Will she be able to hold on?

Hold On is Book 2 of the Alexa Reed series and is the follow-up from the hugely popular, Stay

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Promo Tour ~ Let Me Go by DC Renee

~*~ Promo ~ Let Me Go ~ Tour ~*~

by D.C. Renee

        The Blurb
Rape. One word changed his life. Mason Tredwell had it all. He was a good looking, well respected doctor. He had money, power, friends, and never worried about finding a woman to warm his bed. But, that all changed when he was wrongfully accused of rape. And now, after five years in prison and the loss of everything he cared about, he wants revenge.

Abandoned as a baby and bounced around different foster homes, Kat Gingham never really had a charmed life. But now, things are really falling apart. She has no money, no job, and even her lying, cheating boyfriend is gone too. She allows herself one night to cry about her situation before she picks herself back up. Kat falls asleep, safe in her bed, but when she wakes up, she’s no longer at home, and she’s no longer alone. She’s facing Mason, a guy who claims she ruined his life. And he’s hell bent on breaking her down, humiliating her, just like she supposedly did to him.

The problem is that she claims she has no clue what he is talking about, but he doesn’t believe her, declaring facts don’t lie.

Is Kat lying? Can she convince Mason to let her go? Or is fate playing a role in why they were thrown into this together?



“All right, fine. You’re on,” he said after a moment of hesitation.  “Tell me, what is my favorite book?”

 Count of Monte Cristo,” Kat answered almost instantly.  She watched Mason’s eyebrows shoot toward the sky.  She got it.  It wasn’t really hard to tell that was his favorite book.  He didn’t speak, and the obvious shock on his face was almost comical.  She felt she had to put him out of his misery and tell him how she knew that was probably the book that had gotten him through his nights in prison.  

“I know it’s your favorite because it’s the most worn out one in your massive collection, like you've read it over and over again.  The pages are folded, noting your favorite passages.  But that’s not why it’s your favorite.  You love it because it's a story of revenge. It's a story about a man who was wrongfully imprisoned and seeks revenge upon those who put him there. Am I right?”

He seemed to snap out of his thoughts. “You know nothing about revenge.” His voice was like cold steel.  “You can't possible understand where I’m coming from.”

“Oh, but you’re wrong,” she cut him off. “The Count of Monte Cristo is not only about seeking revenge, it's also about a man who goes half-mad seeking that revenge. Dante only realizes too late that in order for him to truly get revenge, he must forgive his enemies and himself. So yes, Mason, I do know a thing or two about revenge, but you should know that without forgiveness, you won't be able to free yourself.”  She didn’t give him a chance to rebut before she turned to walk out the door, only looking back for a moment, a smile playing on her lips. “I’ll be taking my day off tomorrow."

 She left him sitting stunned but not for long.  She heard him storm out of the room and out the door only moments later.  That was proof that she had gotten under his skin, and she did take the next day off, but he avoided her like the plague after that.  Her cat chasing mouse game continued with him brushing her off.  But she wasn’t giving up.


About me, huh? Hmmm, let's see...some fun facts: I'm in my late twenties, I'm married to a great guy who likes to drive me crazy sometimes, but I love it and him, I am one of those people that when asked to do something says "No...Yes" (yeah, I know, I'm stuck in the 90's), I am a total nerd (like you couldn't tell), I am a Trojan (Fight On!), I work in health insurance (fun times-well, I actually work with my sis, so I guess they technically are fun times), I am way too close to my fam and I feel like I'm forgetting something, hmm...oh yeah, I LOVE to read and write!!!

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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Review ~ Friendly Temptation ~ Review

by Elaine Radley

The Blurb

Ever since Katherine Ainsley's divorce, a hazy line has emerged in her relationship with best friend Dominic Corvalis—one teetering between companionship and lust. When he proposes a dare, she rises to the challenge, even after she finds herself in a place she's never imagined. Besides, Dom is there to support and tease, and the sexual tension percolating beneath their naughty errand is simply too tempting to resist. Perhaps they are meant to be more than just friends. She'll never know until she pushes him across that line...and into the bedroom.

5 - Novella Stars!!

Tattoos and Tiramisu!

Friendly Temptationis a fantastically written novella with lots of fun, steamy gems. What do you do when the social barriers that kept you from someone you love suddenly disappear? Elaine Radley knows exactly what to do!

Kat and Dom are BFF's. They've seen one another through good times and bad, including their respective divorces. Now they suddenly find themselves in a fog of lust and desire neither ever dreamed they would feel...for the other. Can they navigate this new and exciting element of their relationship, or will it ruin their friendship forever?

Elaine does a great job bringing Kat and Dom together. Due to the short nature of a novella, we don't get to know them very well, but she makes me want to! That, IMHO, is the touchstone of a great novella. Well worth the time and at .99 pennies it was a perfect bedtime read. Looking forward to more!! 

1-click your copy today!


Our Perfect Pair Pick 
We Loved The Chocolate and Whipped Cream Scene! Yummy!

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